This episode of OsiyoTV features a selection of our Heartland Regional Emmy Award-nominated stories from Season 2.
We visit Lorene Drywater, maker of buffalo grass dolls and whose story was nominated for its original musical composition. We hit the high seas with a story about Adm. Jocko Clark, (nominated for Historic/Cultural Program Feature); sit down with NFL receiver Wes Welker (nominated for Interview/Discussion Feature); and hear about the life and career of Joe Thornton, world champion archer (nominated for Nostalgia Program Feature).
Cherokee National Treasure Lorene Drywater has been making buffalo grass dolls since she was a child. Here, she shares her process from harvesting the grass to dressing the dolls in handmade clothes.
Joseph J. “Jocko” Clark was the quintessential Cherokee Warrior – the first American Indian to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy, the “Patton of the Pacific” during World War II, and a four-star admiral.
He was an unlikely recruit who is now one of the NFL’s star receivers. Cherokee Nation citizen Wes Welker talks football, family and his newest hobby, horse racing.
Beginning in 1961, Cherokee Nation citizen Joe Thornton traveled the world, competing in archery competitions. Now, at 99 years old, he reminisces about the full life he’s lived… and how he met the love of his life.
Learn to speak key words and phrases in the Cherokee language with speaker Anna Sixkiller and Cherokee Charter Immersion School students. This month, Kiana learns how to say “I like you,” “you are my friend,” “I love you” and “Do you want to have coffee?”
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